The stocks or goods are known as inventories in ware houses. These are actually finished or semi finished or unfinished products which are manufactured in big industries or factories.The phenomenon of managing the inventories in the ware house is known as inventory management. For the even running of any business or enterprise, a first class management team is required for any field. Be it the shipping of goods, transportation of goods, packing of the finished products or any other sector, only skilled and hard working laborers can manage these goods with experience and ease. Recycling of goods of a ware house is a very important factor in a factory for the perfect management of goods. Recycling of goods should be the prime duty for the team who looks after the stock management of a reputable ware house. Since these stocks hold the status of these ware houses, tough stress should be given to the management of the stocks and its recycling. Recycling means removal of the old goods with the newer ones.This will maintain a healthy atmosphere in the ware house.
The place where the stocks are stored for management is named as a storage house.Once an order is placed from the customer’s end, the management team gets involved in managing the stocks. Stock management includes three main major outlined jobs. These include storing of the stocks after manufacturing, packing them if the customer wants it to be placed at his end and lastly transportation or shipping of the packed goods to the customers end. The customer not only pays for the products. But also pays for the stock management costs. Initially all the stock management jobs were executed manually. But now a day many machines have replaced the manual power. This had decrease the risk of injury to the workers in the ware houses.
May 17, 2010
Stock Management and the modern techniques

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