If you have ever applied for a loan or a credit card, you must have seen that your lender has acquired a credit report before deciding to pay you the credit. Credit report is basically a record of your credit history and is prepared by agencies called Credit Bureaus or Consumer Reporting Agencies. They are private agencies and have no affiliation with the government. In United States there are 3 major credit bureaus – Experian, EquiFax and TransUnion.
Your credit report is a major fact which can affect your career or education. The credit report is used not only by lenders and creditors, but also by various insurance companies, your future employers and even some educational institutions. Since the credit bureaus prepare and distribute your credit report, they have a great deal of power over your financial and personal life. Let us see some facts which the credit bureaus do not want you to know about them.
The credit reports are generally filled with errors. With too many reports preparation they have a percentage of them with errors. So you should be aware to check your credit report thoroughly from time to time. Under FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) you can charge the credit bureaus for creating a negative credit report. The credit bureaus get a 30 days time to verify the disputed information. You will always hear about credit report to improve your credit. But you should know that credit report does not work perfect in all aspects. They will not result in any improvement of your credit score, and most often they work for substantial improvement. You have the right to hire a third party Credit Repair Agencies helping you improving your credit. Credit bureaus sometimes hinder you to take the help of credit repair agencies, and even send you letters stating it illegal. But you should not worry as there are a lot of credit repair agencies and approaching them is totally legal.
A bad credit report will cost you lot of dollars and limitless worries. Get a good book to learn the basics of credit report and get started for fixing your credit report today. Always remember that the law is on your side. So do not worry with the credit bureaus.
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Sep 11, 2010
Credit Report – Secrets of Credit Bureaus

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