Student loan constitutes a greater part of the total loan offered to the borrowers every year. Demand for higher education is increasing day by day and the education cost is also going up at a rapid pace. That is why; lending rules have been relaxed for easy availability of the student loans. Everything seems to be easy-sailing until and unless the repayment period kicks off. A good part of the borrowed amount falls into arrears, thereby welcoming the grave consequences for the students. However, those who are putting in genuine effort to pay off the defaulted loans are encouraged to consult the lenders regarding the available solutions.
One noteworthy point must be mentioned in this regard. The defaulters can not evade the dues by claiming them "bankrupt". The strict rules mandate the borrowers to clear the payable amount at any cost. The stringent rules are in force because the defaulters often tend to misuse the option of "bankruptcy" to avoid the dues. Defaulted loans refer to a special category and include all those dues that are not paid for nine months or more at a stretch. Once the borrowers miss the first installment, they are notified by the lenders regarding the loan delinquency. In that case, the borrowers must take initiatives to talk to the lenders about why they can not meet the payment. Once the dues are categorized as defaulted loans, credit score of the borrowers gets affected to a significant extent. If the loan is not repaid, many financial institutions will not consider them as the deserving borrowers.
The gravest problem is yet to mention. The lenders are entitled to sue the individuals in the court to get back the defaulted loans. Even they can engage the debt collection agency to coerce the debtors into paying the dues.
Jun 30, 2011
Defaulted Loans - Outsourcing Troubles for the Defaulters

Nice post.He lenders are entitled to sue the individuals in the court to get back the defaulted loans.
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